Joseph Palumbo, MBA, CMA

Joseph Palumbo has helped thousands of professionals and students from all different backgrounds, start their careers, re-energize their careers, re-engineer their careers and overall become more successful and focused in their professional lives.

As Executive Director of the Career and Counseling Centre for one of the world's premier business schools, Joseph has: reviewed thousands of resumes, recruited and placed new talent, conducted thousands of interviews and coaching sessions, developed and delivered hundreds of workshops, keynotes and panel discussions. Having consulted with the world's top organizations, making their recruiting efforts more effective, he has the knowledge of what organizations desire from their future leaders and what tomorrow's leaders want from their organizations.

Trained as a senior financial professional, Joseph also has a marketing undergraduate degree from York University and a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) designation. His twenty-one years of experience encompasses: accounting, treasury, finance, corporate governance, internal audit, systems development, recruiting, training and development, coaching, human resources consulting, compensation, marketing, communications, public relations and business development. Constantly re-inventing himself, Joseph has completed his MBA at The Schulich School of Business, York University with specializations in Organizational Behaviour and Strategic Decision Making and most recently completed a Certificate in Professional Recruiting and Retention.

Joseph is a member of: The Human Resources Professional Association of Ontario, Global Society of Human Resources Professionals Association, Employment Management Association, Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers, World Co-Op Association, Canadian Association For Internship Programs, MBA Career Services Council, The Board of Trade of Metropolitan Toronto and The Society of Management Accountants of Canada. Joseph is an officer and the first non-American board member of the MBA Career Services Council. He has recently become a member of the Board of Governors of The Board of Trade of Toronto.

Joseph lives in Mississauga with his wife and two children.

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