The PKC Business Performance Assessment SystemŽ
Given the accelerated pace of today's marketplace, we understand that our clients need to make smart business decisions with speed and precision.
PKC Business Systems has created a Business Performance Assessment SystemŽ (BPAS) to rapidly identify and focus on your organization's strategic challenges, performance issues and improvement opportunities.
This systematic analysis provides us with a firm base to determine your needs, develop solutions and provide an action plan for implementing our recommendations.
Most importantly, the assessment is conducted by all of PKC's senior team, ensuring that your organization benefits from the entire range of expertise that we offer.
The PKC Business Performance Assessment SystemŽ has three phases:
- We will meet with your senior management for an initial consultation and will provide a no-cost, no-obligation assessment overview as a follow-up to the meeting.
- Depending on the size and nature of your organization, we will set up a one-to-three day initial engagement at your offices to gather information for the PKC Business Performance Assessment SystemŽ.
Our senior team members will then go through comprehensive, systematic analysis of all the data we have gathered. During this stage, we may revisit you to gain further information on key areas. Again, the duration of this analysis will depend on the size and nature of the task.
We will present our findings to your senior management. This review will cover strategic challenges, performance issues, improvement opportunities and our recommendations for possible solutions and next steps.
- If your organization wishes to proceed further, a meeting will be held with you to outline timelines, deliverables, measurable results, further engagement phases and fees.
PKC Business Services
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